
SCOOPA Franchise

Are you interested in joining us to impact lives in your community and the environment through E-mobility ride-hailing transport services? Good news! We are always looking to expand our reach across the world and open doors to franchise opportunities of running local operations in your city through cutting-edge technology. Interested?

Who Are We?

Scoopa is an all-Electric Vehicle (EV) ride-hailing and delivery service platform. We provide clean, smart, and reliable transportation alongside pickup delivery services.


Why Choose SCOOPA Franchise?

The ride-hailing and micro-mobility industries are projected to experience double-digit growth over the coming decades.

One of the fastest-growing companies in Europe.

Become a part of our global expansion!

Quick set-up and go to market launch.

Receive support from leading experts, helping you swiftly launch operations

Ride-hailing, scooters, food delivery...

Our mission to improve urban transportation and logistics has only just begun!

What we are looking for...

There are several factors that we consider when assessing the eligibility of applicants for a franchisee, including:

Financial Qualifications
A Solid Personal & Financial Reputation
A Growth Mindset
Commitment to the SCOOPA Brand
A Vast Network of Local Connections

Let's bring you on board

Lets see if you qualify to be part of the SCOOPA family
click on the button below to get started!